You have probably heard of Murphy's Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Have you heard of Cole's Law: shredded cabbages? Cabbage is a leafy vegetable often known for its rich nutritional benefits and low calories. Cabbage is a source of daily vitamin C intake. USDA found that one hundred grams of cooked cabbages would provide forty percent of daily vitamin C needs and only twenty-three calories. It is not surprising that cabbages are a popular option among our customers. Take a peek at Purvey'd cabbage edition to help with future purchasing decisions.
How to Pick the Best Watermelon?
Purvey'd Team
Summer is only complete with watermelon. Watermelon is crisp, juicy, and sweet. The refreshing flavor helps to cool down the summer heat.Read our guide to pick the best watermelons.
Asian Veggies Guide - Choy VS. Tips
Purvey'd Team
To shop like a pro, keep an eye out for Purvey'd Asian veggies guide for making the best choy-ce.
Eight Most Common Mushroom Varieties
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Did you hear the joke about fungus? You won't like it, but it will grow on you. The Juice is looking into mushrooms this week. Mushroom is the edible fruit of certain types of fungi. Find out the difference between the mushroom varieties and how to use them.